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Photo © Jon Cranfield

We are delighted to be able to launch the newly revised version of "Advice note 4 - Amphibian Disease Precautions, A Guide for UK Fieldworkers", which is published in March 2017. This important resource for amphibian fieldworkers and trainers has been comprehensively revised in partnership with Amphibian and Reptile Conservation and the Institute of Zoology, in the light of new disease risks that may be facing amphibians in the UK; notably the new forms of ranavirus and chytrid "B. salamandrivorans", which have been identified on continental Europe.

You can download the revised version here: pdf Advice note 4 - Amphibian Disease Precautions, A Guide for UK Fieldworkers.pdf (186 KB)

You are free to reproduce this document and use it as a guide for field workers, but please credit us if you distribute further.