Info & Advice

Photo © Ray Hamilton

ARG UK Advice notes

pdf 1. Engaging with the Planning System Popular


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  • Some fundamentals of planning and biodiversity
  • How can your ARG get involved?
  • Planning policy and guidance
  • Species and general planning advice
  • Local guidance and research on species and planning
  • Biodiversity action planning

pdf 10. Advice note 10: Reptile Survey and Mitigation Guidance for Peatland Habitats Popular


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Advice note 10 - Peatland Reptile Survey and Mitigation Guidance - v2 April 2024.pdf

The guidance in this document is intended to assist in designing mitigation for impacts on reptiles during peatland restoration works. The mitigation approaches may also be suitable for the construction phase of some developments on peatland habitats. This guidance focuses on Scotland where peatland habitats are extensive, but could be applied elsewhere in the UK or Ireland where this habitat also occurs. While it deals explicitly with peatlands, many of the recommendations could be followed or adapted for other habitats which may be occupied by reptiles.

Three reptile species (adder, common lizard, and slow-worm) are known to occur in Scottish peatlands, while the grass snake is also present in England. Only common lizards occur in Northern Ireland and Ireland. All native reptile species are protected under relevant national legislation, and are also included on the national lists used to define the Biodiversity Duty of public bodies in the UK.

Built developments may be sited on peatland habitats, while restoration is often the subject of site management for nature reserves and habitat management plans associated with developments such as onshore wind farms. While restoration of peatlands will ultimately benefit biodiversity, the methods used can conflict with reptiles.

This document provides guidance to help plan peatland restoration so as to avoid negative impacts on reptiles so far as is practical.

A flow chart and summary table are provided to assist project planning.

It is essential that reptile mitigation is designed based on the best possible baseline dataset, collected through use of historic data, habitat mapping and presence surveys.

One of the greatest risks to reptiles on peatland sites is the loss of hibernaculum features, either directly or through raising the water table. Hibernacula should be mapped and it is essential to time work so as to avoid these features during the hibernation period. Recommendations are given for construction of artificial hibernacula.

pdf 11. Advice Note 11 - Managing Habitat for Adders, Advice for Land Managers, May 2018 Popular


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Advice Note 11 - Managing Habitat for Adders, Advice for Land Managers, May 2018.pdf

This note provides advice for land owners and managers, by highlighting sympathetic management practices for adders, and identifying ways in which conflict with other land uses can be minimised.  Although written primarily for land managers, it may also be of use to other stakeholders including: conservation and statutory bodies, local authority planners and local volunteer groups

pdf 12. ARG UK Advice Note 12 - Amphibian and reptile reintroductions - Guidelines for amphibian and reptile groups.pdf Popular


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12. ARG UK Advice Note 12 -Amphibian and reptile reintroductions - Guidelines for amphibian and reptile groups.pdf

A number of our affiliated Amphibian and Reptile Groups have been approached with regard to reintroduction or genetic rescue of widespread species in their county. This has raised a number of questions, and we have drafted this guidance note to help them evaluate such proposals. We also recommend that before involvement in a local reintroduction scheme, additional guidance is sought from national NGOs and statutory agencies.

pdf 2. Advice note 2 - Establishing and Maintaining a Volunteer Amphibian and Reptile Group - Feb 2018.pdf Popular


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2. Advice note 2 - Establishing and Maintaining a Volunteer Amphibian and Reptile Group - Feb 2018.pdf

pdf 3. ARG UK Advice Note 3 'Insurance Arrangements for Affiliated Groups' revised April 2018 Popular


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ARG UK Advice Note 3 revised April 2018.pdf

pdf 4. Advice note 4 (revised) - Amphibian Disease Precautions, A Guide for UK Fieldworkers.pdf Popular


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Advice note 4 - Amphibian Disease Precautions, A Guide for UK Fieldworkers.pdf

  • Review of amphibian disease threats
  • General guidance on best practice when working with amphibians and their habitats
  • Guidance on specific activities - including fieldwork at sites known to be infected
  • Recommendations for training and other educational activities
  • Disinfection procedures
  • Investigating dead amphibians - working with the Garden Wildlife Health Project


pdf 5. Great Crested Newt Habitat Suitability Index Popular


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ARGUKAdviceNote5 HSI May 2010.pdf

  • Use and limitations of the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) scoring method for determining pond suitability for great crested newts
  • How to collect data and calculate the HSI
  • Categorisation of HSI scores

pdf 6. Using the Media to Help Amphibians and Reptiles Popular


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  • Choosing what to publicise
  • Writing your press release
  • Getting your release out
  • Putting together a press release for your ARG
  • Example of a simple ARG press release
  • Dealing with negative publicity
  • Writing letters to newspapers and magazines

pdf 7. ARG UK Advice note 7 - Attending public events.pdf Popular


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ARG UK Advice note 7 - Attending public events.pdf

  • Insurance and risk assessments
  • Location of your stand
  • Resources for your stand
  • Running the stand on the day
  • Fundraising, and collecting records and other information
  • Live Animal Exhibits and animal welfare considerations
  • Public health and biosecurity


pdf 8 ARG UK Advice note 8 Organising guided walks for the public updated Feb 2024 Popular


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8. ARG UK Advice note 8 - Organising guided walks for the public updated Feb 2024.pdf

Many Amphibian and Reptile Groups (ARGs) attend, or run educational and training sessions for ARG volunteers and the wider public. This advice note provides some suggestions for organizing such public facing events, based on the experiences of the groups.

Concerns have been expressed about animal welfare issues, where animals may be disturbed by guided walks and training sessions, and handling. In order to minimize the impact to the animals, whilst still allowing volunteers and the wider public to engage and interact with them for educational purposes, we have also included some general guidelines about this aspect.

pdf 9. ARGUK Advice note 9 - General Data Protection Regulations for volunteer groups.pdf Popular


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9. ARGUK Advice note 9 -General Data Protection Regulations for volunteer groups.pdf

On 25th May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulation comes into force. This is not a new legislation, as it builds on the Data Protection Act 1998. Nevertheless, it represents an important challenge for volunteer groups, since there will be greater scrutiny of the way in which we manage personal information after this date. This means that volunteer groups like the ARGs have to take responsibility for the personal data we hold. 

The advice note sets out:

  • The definition of personal data
  • The implications for small voluntary groups like the ARGS
  • A process for complying with the new GDPR
  • Information on what constitutes a data breach


pdf RAVON + ARG UK Grass Snake Egg-laying Heaps - flier 2019.pdf Popular


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Grass Snake Egg-laying Heaps - flier 2019.pdf

pdf Toad Conservation Toad patrols in the UK Popular


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Toad Conservation - Toad patrols in the UK.pdf

pdf Top tips for safe toad patrolling.pdf Popular


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Top tips for safe toad patrolling.pdf

pdf Top tips for spotting amphibians and reptiles, AGM workshop July 2024 Popular


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Top tips for spotting amphibians and reptiles, AGM workshop July 2024.pdf